The Parish Meeting usually meets twice a year to discuss parish affairs.
An annual meeting is held between 1 March and 1 June, to approve the financial accounts and elect the Chairman and Clerk for the next 12 months.
The budget for the next year is agreed at a meeting in December. The budget determines the Littleworth Parish element of the council tax.
Year Month Meeting Type
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
Reading Room
Parish Meeting
Meeting to: elect a Chairman and Clerk for the next 12 months; approve the 2023/24 accounts: updates on Parish matters
Reading Room, Littleworth
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree the budget and precept for 2024/2024
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve 2022/2023 accounts and elect Chairman and Clerk for the next 12 months.
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for the financial year 2023/2024
Littleworth church
Annual Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve 2021/2022 annual accounts and elect Chairman and Clerk for the next 12 months
Littleworth church
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for the financial year 2022/2023
Annual Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve 2020/2021 annual accounts and elect Chairman and Clerk for the next 12 months
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for 2021/22
Annual Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve 2019/2020 accounts and elect Chairman and Clerk
Parish Meeting
Parish meeting to agree budget and precept for 2020/2021
Annual Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve annual accounts and elect Chairman and clerk
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for 2019/2020
Annual Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve annual accounts and elect Chairman and clerk
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for 2018/2019
Annual Meeting
Parish Meeting
Approve annual accounts and elect Chairman and clerk
Parish Meeting
Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for 2017/2018