Littleworth Fun Run


March 2025

Sign Up Here

On Saturday 22 March we will be organising the inaugural Littleworth Big Run to raise money for playground equipment. There will be 3 different runs to sign up for with the hope of attracting local families and communities.

The Big Run 9k starts at 10:30 am - £15 to enter

The Little Run 4K starts at 10:30 am - £8 to enter

Mini Run 1K starts at 10:45 am - £3 to enter

The majority of the routes will be on public footpaths with a short stretch on country lanes. Route maps will be published shortly. The runs will start at the Littleworth playing fields with registration from 9:00 am.

Coffee and tea will be available as well as a bacon rolls after the run.

Further information can be found on the Facebook event page and there is also a WhatsApp group to receive further information or Sign Up Here

Littleworth Fun Day and Dog Show

Littleworth playing field


June 2024

Parish Meeting

Reading Room


May 2024

The Parish meeting will be in the Reading Room at 7:30 pm on Thursday 30 May

Littleworth family fun day and dog show

Littleworth playing field


June 2023

This years family fun day and dog show will be on Sunday 4 June

Parish Meeting


May 2023

Meeting to approve 2022/23 accounts, elect the Parish Chairman and Clerk for the  next 12 months and discuss parish affairs.

Jumble Sale

Littleworth church


April 2023

Jumble sale in Littleworth church, Sunday 16 April 11am - 4pm

Tea, coffee, cold drinks and cakes served on the day.

Election of Littleworth Reading Room & Playing Field CIO Trustees


February 2023

7th December 2022

In accordance with the Littleworth Reading Room & Playing Field Charitable Incorporated Organisation Constitution, two of the existing trustees are required to retire this month, the retiring trustees may stand for re-election.

If there is anyone who wishes to put themselves forward for the position of trustee please make themselves known to the trustees by 15 February 2023. The trustee’s email address is

A brief description of the experience of a prospective trustee, that they feel would be of benefit to the CIO, especially any previous experience as a charity trustee and whether they have any experience of handling building maintenance or managing rental property, should be provided with an application. An assessment of the amount of time that they would be able to commit to the assist in the running of the charity will also be necessary.

As required by the CIO Constitution, all replacement trustees will be selected and appointed by the existing board of trustees, based upon applicant merits.

David Mackay.

Trustee, on behalf of the Board of Trustees

Littleworth Reading Room & Playing Field CIO.

Parish Meeting

Littleworth Church at 7:30 pm


December 2022

Parish Meeting to agree budget and precept for 2023/2024.

A summer's evening concert of Beethoven, Lizst and Chopin with Mark Viner

The Church of the Holy Ascension, Littleworth


June 2022

Saturday 18 June 2022 at 19:30

Enjoy a glass of wine and light refreshments alongside listening to international concert pianist Mark Viner returning to perform for the first time in his family's home village, as a highlight of its Jubilee celebrations.The Church of the Holy Ascension, with its 10m internal height, is a superb acoustic venue in which to soak up Mark's masterful technique and expression as one of today’s torchbearers of the Romantic Revival.

Described by International Piano Magazine as “one of the most gifted pianists of his generation”, his unique blend of individual artistry combined with his bold exploration of the byways of the piano literature garnering international renown.

Tickets available through eventbrite

Family fun day and dog show

Littleworth playing field


June 2022

It’s back!! After a two year break, the Littleworth Family Fun Day and Dog Show will be held again on Sunday 12th June.

Making more of the centre of our village


March 2022

One of the Ideas which has been discussed at Parish Meetings is to make more of a feature of the area around the telephone box.

To move this idea forward the steps we will take are:

  • Preparation
    • get an idea of what people living in the village would like to see
    • discuss the idea informally with the heritage officer (because Littleworth is in conservation area so any changes will need to go through the planning process)
    • rough idea of the cost involved
    • investigation of ways to fund the project
  • Decision
    • discussion on the final plan and a decision from the Parish Meeting on whether to go ahead
  • Delivery
    • raising the money needed
    • planning application
    • quotes for the work to be carried out
    • agree start date

This project could take between 3 and 5 years to complete. The reason it may take this long is because once a decision is made we will need to raise the funds to pay for it.

Your input

We would like to get your view on what should be done. It could be you think it is best to leave the area as it is, alternatively you might like to see more seating or planters for flowers. To help start a discussion an illustration of what the area could look like is attached. The idea illustrated is to create a village centre where people could sit and watch the world go by or stop for a chat. This would be achieved by building a seating area made from stone which matches the churchyard wall.

Next Parish Meeting


December 2021

The next meeting will be on 16 December to agree the budget for 2022/23

Discuss proposed improvements to Reading Room - Saturday 13 November 11am - 2pm

Reading room


November 2021

The trustees of Littleworth Reading Room and Playing Field Charitable Incorporated Organisation would like to invite all residents of the parish of Littleworth to an open, drop in, discussion to consider and comment upon the possible improvements that could be made to the Reading Room.

This will be held at the Reading Room on Saturday 13th November 2021 between 11am and 2pm, during which time trustees will be available to answer any questions.

This timing has been selected to allow as many people as possible to attend, during daylight hours, when both the interior and the exterior of the building may be viewed easily.

A document presenting the options that have been considered and the option recommended by the trustees is attached to this newsletter and/or available to view in the parish website at

The trustees welcome any comments and suggestions for amendment or improvement, to which end there will be available “Post It” notes, for comment, at the Reading Room on the 13th, which will be reviewed and considered after the close of the open meeting. These comments may be made anonymously if so desired.

If anyone who is unable to attend on Saturday 13th wishes to make comment or suggestion please do so by email to:


directly to any of the trustees.

Jeremy Flawn Old School House

Dave Mackay Halladale House

Rob McInnes 6 Ladman Villas

Nicky Simpkins Walnut Cottage

Adam Viner Smokedown Farm.

Bonfire and sparklers night

Littleworth Playing Field


November 2021

Littleworth Reading Room and Playing Field CIO

Littleworth Bonfire & Sparklers Night

Littleworth Playing Field

6pm Friday 5th November 2021

No entry charge

free sparklers for the youngsters

(requires parent/guardian adult supervision)

Just come along for a community social gathering in the open air.


Dog show winners


June 2021

Congratulation to the winners of Littleworth's 2021 virtual dog show